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Leverage the Power of Social Media

An active Facebook business page and appropriately targeted ads gives you a way

to communicate directly with your target audience. But it takes time and talent to

plan, create, post, and interact with your fans online effectively.

That's why we developed the GSRx Social Media Program.

We'll create custom content and schedule posts on your behalf, while re-investing your
commitment to the program directly in advertisements targeted toward growing your practice.

You maintain ownership of the page, and can post as desired in between scheduled and boosted content. 

  • Facebook - White Circle

The Program Includes

  • Creation and scheduling of four informational Facebook posts per month

    • 2 posts focused on the current eye health month topic​

    • 1 post focused on scheduling an appointment / visiting your office

    • 1 post educating customers on products from the GSRx epik™ portfolio

  • Access to our Social Media Library, updated monthly with graphics and other suggested content​

  • Your selected advertising budget to be directly re-invested in goal-driven Facebook ads

  • Monthly ad analtyics report

Social Media Program Sign-Up

To register, please provide the following information. We will reach out to you to confirm your specific content and advertising needs.

Upload File
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GSRx® Inc.

14505 North Hayden Road • Suite #101

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

(800) 833-GSRX (4779)

(480) 748-4546 (f)

It's time for a new kind of vision.

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